“Señor Moussaoui”, dijo ayer la juez Leonie Brinkena, “cuando le lea su sentencia, todo el mundo en esta sala saldrá y verá el sol, escuchará a los pájaros y se verán con quien deseen. Usted pasará el resto de su vida en una prisión de máxima seguridad. (….) Nunca tendrá la posibilidad de volver a hablar de nuevo y éste es un fin más que apropiado (…) Se pudrirá en la cárcel”.
Transcripción sin (...) del NY Times del mismo diálogo:
Mr. Moussaoui, in his last chance to be heard in public, delivered a political speech about his hate for America, concluding: "God curse America and save Osama bin Laden. You'll never get him."
Judge Brinkema was clearly angered that when the jury spared Mr. Moussaoui's life on Wednesday, he exulted, "America, you lost," and said he had won.
"Well, Mr. Moussaoui, if you look around this courtroom today, every person in this room when this proceeding is over will leave this courtroom, and they are free to go anyplace they want," she said. "They can go outside, they can feel the sun, they smell fresh air."
But she said that when he walked out of the courtroom: "You will spend the rest of your life in a super-maximum security facility. In terms of winners and losers, it's quite clear who won and who lost."
Mr. Moussaoui shot back, "That was my choice."
"It was hardly your choice," Judge Brinkema retorted.
Judge Brinkema, who had been scrupulous about maintaining a neutral stance during the trial, concluded by saying, "As for you, Mr. Moussaoui, you came here to be a martyr and to die in a great big bang of glory, but to paraphrase the poet T. S. Eliot, instead you will die with a whimper."
Mr. Moussaoui tried to interject again, and Judge Brinkema spoke over him, saying, "You will never again get a chance to speak, and that is an appropriate and fair ending."Sólo confío en la facilidad lingüística de mis lectores.